ALRIGHT.. soo as you can tell i still have no laptop...waaa!!! i know yall are probably sick of hearing all about this, but... i did finally speak with someone that speaks english ..thank goodness! he was a big wig of some sorts. he called me and asked what he could do for me?..(like duh) anyway..i told him that i needed my laptop..and when i purchased it and the xtra warranty the reresenatives tld me that turn around time for a broken down laptop is 2 weeks, and it was over that sooo i wanted to know what was up?... anyway..he told me that there protocal was this... the longes they are allowed to keep anyones computer in the service dept was 21 days..and my part ( the motherbaord) was on back order(keep in mind this was built in china)and the part is not scheduled to be in there hands til april 30... then they have to repair and then they have to ship... sooo were lookin at mid may ... not exceptable for either of us...sooo if on the 16th i have not recieved my laptop..steve told me to call and let them know and they will send me a new one!..i was like ..wait a minute..i built that one to my specifiacations and i dont want anything less than what i have on it..he said it would be the same or better!! soo that makes me feel better about the whole situation... but i still have no laptop...
on to something else..
i have a fever blister on the topa nd the bottom of my mouth... can yall say ouch!!! it hurts for real,,i dont think i have ever had them this bad before!! it is horrible to look at !! but my bestest friend kim has some medication soo thanks kim...
this weeked we are headed to destin for cheerleading competiton.. go inferno..keep randi, kayleigh and the other girls in your prayers...
i guess i forgot to mention kay kay is feeling much better after her fall last time and is able to compete!! im soo excited..i really look forward to going and hanging out with kim and kayleigh... and well sean is not that much fun when he has to sit somewhere for a long period of time..especially at a cheerleading competition!!
yall have a great weekend and ill update when i return....